Download reqT.jar latest stable all versions
Download the reqT.jar above and save it in some directory
Open a terminal, navigate to that directory and type this in terminal:
java -jar reqT.jar
This requires java. To check and install java, see below. If you have java installed you will see a message similar to this:
** Welcome to reqT version 3.1.4
** Snapshot build number: 566
** Scala version 2.12.8
** Java version 1.8.0_232 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
** _______
** |__ __|
** _ __ ___ __ _ | | reqT - a requirements engineering tool
** | __|/ _ \ / _ || |
** | | | __/| (_| || | (c) 2010-2019, Lund University
** |_| \___| \__ ||_| Open Source BSD-2-clause license
** | |
** |_|
** Type edit to start model editor gui
** Type :help for help on the Scala interpreter
** Type :pa to enter paste mode
** Type :q to exit when all sub-threads are done
** Type sys.exit to exit and terminate all threads
** Type Feature? to get help on a concept, e.g. Feature
Type this into the console by the reqT>
prompt and press enter:
println("Hello reqT!")
Then try out the "Hello reqT" example here
Check if you have Java 1.8.x installed by opening a terminal window (bash, cmd, or powershell etc.) and type this command:
java -version
This should print something similar to
java version "1.8.0_232"
If the above step failed then install Java 1.8 from here: