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Download reqT command shell v2.3.0: reqT.jar (requires (Scala and Java 1.7) or (Kojo and Java 1.7))
Download reqT GUI app v0.5: reqT-gui.jar (requires Java 1.7)
How to run the reqT command shell: 1. Install Scala 2. download reqT.jar 3. in terminal run using command: scala -toolcp reqT.jar reqT.jar
How to run reqT inside Kojo - a Scala scripting environment: 1. Install Kojo 2. download reqT.jar and put the file in ~/.kojo/lite/libk/ 3. download reqTinit.kojo and put the file in ~/.kojo/lite/initk/
How to run the reqT GUI app - a prototype graphical interface frontend: 1. download reqT-gui.jar 2. in terminal run using command: java -jar reqT-gui.jar
More information on: HOW-TO-RUN
Download the reqT source code:
How to install Scala on Linux: 1. Download the latest Scala tgz file and unpack it 2. Move the unpacked folder with sudo mv to e.g. /usr/share/scala/scala-2.10.3 3. Put these export statement in your ~/.profile file: export SCALA_HOME=/usr/share/scala/scala-2.10.3 export PATH=$PATH:$SCALA_HOME/bin 4. Log out and log in again and test the installation in a terminal with scala -version